Saturday 20 April 2013


Slow and steady they say wins the race, the toughest school no one dares to attend is the school of waiting, we all seem to be in a hurry to get what we want to get and as a result of this nobody wants to be kept waiting. There are lots of different courses in this school that no one prays to take, they include; Unemployment, seeking admission, waiting for the fruit of the womb, joblessness, poverty etc. we all seem to be in a rush to arrive at where we all crave to get to and forget that waiting is the furnace that will bring out the gold in us, little wonder why our outputs have always fallen short of the expected standards. Remember the greatest prophet of all time Moses spent 40 years in this school of waiting before he was finally fit for the master’s use.

After Moses murdered the Egyptian, he had to flee when he realized he was even rejected by his Hebrew brother that he thought he was protecting. Moses knew he was chosen by God to be the deliverer of Israel. He was dead right about the task but was dead wrong about the timing because he has not gone through that school of waiting thus he was in a hurry. As a result of his miscalculation, note what happened:  And on the following day he appeared (Acts 7 VS 26 – 29).

Let me ask you a question, when was the last time you stopped when you saw the yellow traffic light? Most of us accelerate when we come to an intersection with a yellow light! Why? Yellow light are indicators that we should prepare to stop. But we don’t have time to stop for a minute or two all in the name of being in a hurry.

That is why remedial waiting is such a difficult course for us. But it is absolutely necessary for the character remodelling that God is undertaking in our lives. Are you at a point in your life where you are tired of waiting? You may be waiting for promotion, waiting for employment, waiting for your business to turn around, waiting for that depression to finally leave.
May I offer a word of encouragement here? You should know that you are right on schedule. May be not on your schedule, but on His schedule. He knows precisely what He is doing in your life. Every trial has a beginning, middle, and an end. You cannot determine where you are in a trial, but He knows exactly where you are and he is moving you along at just the right pace.

Moses was in a hurry and he went from the palace to the pasture, success to failure, wealth to poverty, significance to insignificance, privilege to persecution, freedom to felon, a purpose in life to no purpose whatsoever, a purported future to a grim future.

Abraham was once in this school of waiting, most time we don’t sign up for these courses ourselves but God himself signs us up in other to bring out the best in our lives. How patient and teachable we are will go a long way in determining our level of success in these courses, remember Moses spent 40 years in this school. You may be amazed that the forty years he spent was accounted for in the bible for just six verses i.e. Exodus 2:16-22.

Have you been convinced that God has enrolled you in this school? Then you are in a very good company my friend. Just see this period of enrollment in this school as a sojourn into the furnace that will bring out the gold in you and your life will be better for it in the end.

Remember facing the face of transformation is a stage in life nobody want to encounter, just hold on and don’t give up no matter how long the duration of your course of study may be, before you give up remember that one reason why you held on for so long. The lord is your strength.

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